EN 12068 C 50 Standard XUNDA Three ply cold applied tape consisting of a stabilised polyethylene backing with plastic butyl on both sides. The consistency of the butyl on the one side should be formulated in such a way that, under tension, it flows on uneven steel surfaces.
To facilitate correct application, this butyl is a grey colour.
The grey butyl layer of the tape face the steel and this should always be the thicker layer of butyl rubber.
Total tape thickness app. MM 0,8-1.0
Tensile strength at 23°C. N/10 mm > 120
Elongation at break at 23°C % > 600
Modulus at 10% elongation N/10mm 38
Dielectric strength KV/mm > 35
Water vapour transmission, g/m2 . 24 h < 2 •10-1
Water absorption at 23°C, % < 0,05
Saponification value
carrier film & adhesive Mg KOH / g 1,0
Permiability to Oxygen G/ m² • 24h < 2 • 10-4